Friday, February 22, 2019

Representation of Motion

The children have been very interested in how objects move. We have used balls and cars on ramps and have explored tops on the classroom floor. To extend the children’s understanding of how tops move, we dipped them in paint so the children could visualize the path the tops took across the paper. At first the expected the tops to make a straight line across the paper. They seemed  surprised to see the tops create a curved path.



Learning Objectives during this experience:

·      7. Demonstrates fine-motor strength and coordination
a.   Uses fingers and hands
·      9. Uses language to express thoughts and needs
a. Uses an expanding expressive vocabulary
b. Speaks clearly
·      11. Demonstrates positive approaches to learning
a. Attends and engages
b. Persist
d. Shows curiosity and motivation
e. Shows flexibility and inventiveness in thinking
·      24. Uses scientific inquiry skills
·      26. Demonstrates knowledge of the physical properties of objects and materials