Friday, May 17, 2019

Planting a rainbow

The children planted flower seeds this week after reading the book Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert. The children filled their pots with soil, made a hole for the seeds, covered the seeds with soil and watered the flowers. We talked about about the differences between dirt and soil and discussed what we needed to do to help the flowers grow.

We have continued to water the flowers each day and discuss what they will look like, how long it will take them to grow and which part of the plant will come above the ground first. The children are developing observation skills, learning about responsibility by watering the plants each day and language skills by discussing their observations.

Adding soil

Planting a seed

Watering the plants

During the next few weeks we will continue to observe the flowers and draw our predictions of what they may look like when they sprout. We are also learning some new vocabulary such as, sprout, stem, bud and soil.

We have also deconstructed flowers to determine what the petals and stems look like when the flowers are taken apart. We explored what the petals looked like when they are fresh off the flower and when they are starting to dry out.